Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Working With Photoshop

Once we had finished both photoshoots and as a group narrowed down a spread of several images to use for our work, we then started to experiment with various effects to enhance and progress our work further.

With the aid of Adobe Photoshop CS4 we were able to access a vast range of effects and techniques that could be practiced on our images. The main characted in our piece is portrayed as a very young and glamorous character, but as seen in the video there are other sides to her, with the use of such effects we were able to represent both personalities.

Theoriginal images were quite dull with selective ligthing throughout so we decided to add a specific colour to each album cover. We used a deep pink for each cover linking similarly to Red the colour of love and lust, this was chosen to portray the more devious and envious side of the character.

Once we had selected a spread of images to use for our album covers, i then began to add the effects and techniques that would enhance the quality of our work alot further.

Here is an example of one of our best images, we can see the light used is very selective and focuses on the subject very well.
But there is quite alot of negative dark areas, this draws away the attention of the character and drains out the image.
With the aid of various brush and pen tools i was able to create trails around the subject, as seen below, i then used a simple stroke technique to create a white blur around the trails. Following this i added an outter glow effect with the selective colouring, again being deep pink, i then experimented with the size and shape of the glow to create a successful glow and light trail.

Along with other similar techniques i progressed this effect numerously throughout the vast majority of our images, this is something we felt as a group really helped capture the image and look we were hoping to create.