Sunday, 9 May 2010


2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When creating our ancillary texts we wanted to ensure that they fit with our main product. The main thing we needed to look into was the idea of genre conventions. The conventions of which were displayed in the first question and it is clear to see how our CD has fit in with already existing products.

The way in which we made both of them work together was to stick to some similar themes. The best of which was the use of home videos within the video which we linked to the idea of using home photos of the artist. To do this we simply lifted them from Ben's own photos with his friends. The results of which are shown below in comparison to the video -

Examples of home videos within the music video

These are examples of home photos of the artist and his friends

Another feature that we ensured was used across the forms of media was the emphasis on the main song. This was used on the cover and magazine advert very clearly and we decided to use some small examples of the lyrics larger on the page that contains all the lyrics for the CD. The lyrics we selected we "You live to dance another day, it's just now you'll have to dance for the two of us". We used this to emphasis the song and show that it has great importance to both the CD and the artist themselves.

Another similar feature that we used across the two forms of media is the idea of nature. Within the video we used shots of the artist playing outside in a field near a tree, this then links directly to the idea that we used for both the from and back of the CD packaging and this also works well across the two forms of media.

The only difference between the two is that the CD is desaturated. The reason that this was done was to simply emphasise the image of the artist and was also to fit in with the conventions that we had already looked into. We wanted to keep the advertisement colourful to help grab attention to the image and we believe this also links well to the video.

Finally, we ensured that there was continuity of fonts and designs across all the ancillary texts. To do this we saved the layers separately on a Photoshop document so they could be simply lifted from one to the other, doing this allowed us to keep perfect continuity and helped support a brand identity within the viewer's mind. The details of which are displayed below -

We also ensured that there was continuity of the burnt paper in the background because this was a significant factor in establishing exactly what the genre of our artist is. In general, we believe that the texts all work very well along side one another and really suit each other.